A study recently conducted on behalf of Delta Dental Plans Association says that 68 percent of children do not wear mouthguards in sports games and practices where they are not required. The majority of dental professionals recommend that young children wear mouthguards in sports to protect them from dental emergencies and concussions.
Furthermore, the study found that 22 percent of children report wearing mouthguards at games, but never at practices. According to Safe Kids USA, the majority of sports-related injuries to children occur in practices — not in games.
Sports like ice hockey, lacrosse, and football typically require players to wear mouthguards. However, basketball, soccer, baseball, and softball players are generally not required to wear mouthguards in practices or games. Statistics show that a basketball player is 15 times more likely to suffer an orofacial injury than football players.Contact the Austin dental emergency professionals of BridgeView Dental by calling 512-347-8299, if you or someone you know experiences a dental emergency.