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Brazilian researchers learn of new ways to disinfect dentures

Just like real teeth, dentures need to be brushed and flossed regularly to keep them clean and safe for use. Additionally, they need to be disinfected in order to remove the film of bacteria that develops on them over time. If dentures are not disinfected, the bacteria that multiply on them can eventually lead to an infection.

Brazilian researchers at the Universidade Estadual Paulista in Sao Paolo have found two new ways to disinfect dentures. The first is to soak them in a solution that is normally used as a surgical hand scrub called 2% chlorhexidine gluconate. While this solution was shown to completely disinfect dentures, some people are allergic to it.

The other method they discovered is a little more unusual. The researchers found that microwaving dentures for three minutes at 650 watts also completely disinfects them.

While there are other methods to disinfect dentures available, these may be able to come through in a pinch. Consult with the denture specialists at Bridgeview Dental at 512-347-8299 if you have any concerns about your dentures.

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